Do you feel that your achievements in your personal or business life are just down to ‘luck’? That you’re not worthy of the praise that you receive?
Have a fear that people will expose you as a ‘fraud’?
Imposter Syndrome affects many people in all walks of life, with symptoms including feelings of frustration, self-doubt, anxiety, and low self-worth.
Despite overwhelming evidence of competence people who struggle with Imposter Syndrome do not recognise themselves as professionally excellent, even when they may be held in high esteem by colleagues, their managers or the public.
Comparing yourself to others and feeling inadequate, not good enough, or not as intelligent, are classic examples of how this can make you feel,
First documented in high achieving women in the 1970’s, Imposter Syndrome makes you feel like you ‘don’t belong’, and internalised feelings increase with the belief that failure is just around the corner and you are about to be ‘found out’.
It is believed that a variety of situations combine to trigger the syndrome such as, underlying negative childhood experiences, pressurised parenting, being overly criticised for under-achievement and toxic work environments.
If you struggle with these feelings, you are not alone, it is estimated that as many as 70% of people experience these feelings at some point in their lives.
There are a few things you can do to try to help the feelings to subside, such as talking to your peers, it may surprise you to know that some of them will be experiencing the exact same thing or have done in their past.
Assessing your capabilities and achievements is truly helpful, writing them down and ‘feeling’ what you have achieved works for some, to build their self-confidence.
Recognising your strengths and journalling what you have achieved is a good daily reminder to help you.
Above all, never allow it to hold you back from pursuing your goals, Imposter Syndrome is shared by many and does not signify an inability to carry out a role.
Acknowledge the feeling as a normal reaction to a situation and keep going, you are resilient, courageous and capable!